Pray and Give
Prayer is not just an activity but a strategy for spiritual, familial and national development. Partner with us in interceding for our nation and contributing cash and kind for community impact.
Pray With Us
- Join us in prayer for all leaders across government, public and private sector, family and community, Youth and Education, Judiciary and Security.
Give To The Cause
Each year proceeds collected at the NLPB goes towards a worthy charity. Join the NLPBC in making a difference in the lives of others. Give today by using any of the following options:
Transfer to NCB Chequing Account
Bank/Branch: NCB, Knutsford Blvd Branch
Name of Account: Committee for National Leadership Prayer Breakfast Chequing Account #
Transfer to VM Savings Account
Bank/Branch: VM Building Society
Name of Account: National Prayer Breakfast Savings Account #
- Write Cheque to Committee for the National Leadership Prayer Breakfast and drop off at our office on 11 Ardenne Road, Suite 4B
National Prayer Week Schedule
Join us in our week of prayer and consecration for our nation and communities.
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Stay up to date with our latest projects and activities for community development and outreach